Thursday, August 24, 2006

Shortening sensibilities
You want to talk about stupid? Let's talk about the NCAA.
Yes, I know, they're easy targets - but it's only because of the new levels that they seem to take the stupidity to.
For our purposes here today, there are the rules changes aimed at shortening college-football games that will have the clock starting after some changes-of-possession and after some out-of-bounds plays and things of that nature.
The reason - games, particularly televised games, are too long, sayeth the NCAA, and long games might expose players to injury.
So ... if that's what's pushing this, why not cut back on the number of commercials that can be broadcast on TV or on the radio?
Isn't that the real reason that TV games have gone from the standard three hours past three and a half and well on their way to four?
It's not because of too many changes-of-possession or players running out of bounds or any of a number of other things that happen on the field.
I know full well that college football is a business - hell, you'd have to be a fool not to admit that.
(Funny how the NCAA doesn't seem to want to admit that, isn't it?)
I know that nobody is seriously going to consider cutting commercials from game broadcasts.
I just wish somebody would own up to the true motivation to these changes.
Because it doesn't have to do with the needs of the players.
Seriously, if it was about the players, all games would be played on Saturdays, and they wouldn't have kids missing class to fly across the country.
And ...
I'd better stop here before I start to make too much sense.
- Chris Graham


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