Tuesday, May 02, 2006

The Morning Edition

Candidate No. 87, please step forward. Rejection after rejection, the folks at NC State are learning that not everyone is all that excited about taking over their basketball program. The latest name being mentioned is Sidney Lowe, the former Wolfpack star. After that, the little guy on the box of Lucky Charms will be interviewed. And then the guy that used to coach on the "White Shadow."

Meanwhile, Lee Fowler, NC State's athletics director, is trying to weather the storm as the search continues.

Jack Corcoran of the Tallahassee Democrat is urging FSU's Alexander Johnson to not give up on returning to the school next year. Johnson has his dreams set on the NBA.

Now that the NFL Draft is over, let the free-agent signings begin. Here are just some of the players from ACC schools signing with NFL teams: Clemson, Miami, Florida State, Georgia Tech, Virginia and Virginia Tech.

Finally, it looks like men's lacrosse will return to Duke, with more control by school officials.


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